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Third Sunday of Advent

Matt Godsil
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sermon Series:

On this third Sunday of Advent, pastoral elder Matt Godsil talks about the chiasm of the angel Gabriel speaking with Mary and giving her great news.

Sermon Passage: Luke 1:26-56

Questions for Discussion

  1. What are the benefits of understanding an Eastern/Jewish approach to the Scriptures,
  2. when we have been heavily influenced by Western/Greek styles of learning?
  3. Are there any other chiasms you have experienced in scripture, and to what treasure was it pointing toward?
  4. What was the treasure point of the angel Gabriel's interaction with Mary and why is that
  5. important for all of us?
  6. What was the treasure point of Mary's Song of Prayer, referred to as "The Magnificat,” and through Mary, Peter, and Luke, what is the Holy Spirit trying to tell us about God?
Download: Audio icon Matt Godsil.mp3
  • Length: 1:36:12