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Stay Focused on God's Deliverance

Eric Byrom
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, September 11, 2022

Sermon Series:

This Sunday we will be looking at Psalm 120 in our series on the Psalms of Ascent.  This Psalm also lines up with Nehemiah 1:1-11a.

Sermon Passage: Psalm 120; Nehemiah 1:1-11a

Sermon Outline

  1. Stay focused on God’s deliverance when you are in distress!
  2. Stay focused on God’s deliverance by calling to God!
  3. Stay focused on God’s deliverance remembering He answers your call!

Questions for Discussion/Reflection

  • In what ways has God delivered you in the past from the attacks of others?  In what ways were you tempted to take matters into your own hands?
  • When someone hurts us, what does this Psalm show us to do?  What are we often tempted to do?
  • Think of a time when you responded properly to personal attacks?  How did God answer your cry for help?  What can you remember about that to help you in the future as you face attacks?
  • How can you turn this Psalm into a prayer?
  • What is one thing that God wants you to do, remember or change in response to what you heard today?
Download: Audio icon Eric Byrom.mp3
  • Length: 27:23