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Live Out Grace on Mission by Serving Without Fear!

Eric Byrom
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, December 10, 2023

Sermon Series:

This second week of Advent, we will continue our Advent series on "Grace on Mission in the Advent" with a look at Luke 1:18-23 and 57-80.  This is the story of Zechariah and the conclusion to what happened to him and his response.  We see from the hymn of praise with which he spoke after being unable to speak for over nine months that it contains many elements of Grace on Mission.

Sermon Passage: Luke 1:18-23, 57-80

Sermon Outline

  • Live out Grace on Mission by serving without fear to give knowledge of salvation to others! (v. 77)
  • Live out Grace on Mission by serving without fear to give light to those in darkness! (v. 79)
  • Live out Grace on Mission by serving without fear to guide other’s feet into the way of peace! (v. 79)

Questions for Discussion

  1. How does this passage show us that we are not just saved from our enemies but also saved to serve in no fear? (See vs. 68-74)
  2. How does our service mirror that of both Jesus and John the Baptist in light of the gospel?
  3. What do you think is the difference between giving knowledge and giving light according to vv. 77-79?  How would this look in your daily life?
  4. What do you think this means by saying, “to guide our feet into the way of peace”?  Are you serving others in this way?
  5. How does this all relate to the beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12?
  6. What is one thing God wants you to do, remember or change in response to what you heard today?
  • Length: 1:19:31