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The Four Promises of the New Covenant

Matt Godsil
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, February 4, 2024

Sermon Series:

This week, pastoral elder Matt Godsil continues our journey through Hebrews. He tells us today about the Four Promises of the New Covenant.

Sermon Passage: Hebrews 8:9-13

Sermon Outline

Four Promises of the New Covenant

  1. God promises that He will write His Law on your heart, to sanctify you, to make you holy, aligning your heart and charactger with His Heart
  2. God promises to be your God and make you one of His people, to reconcile you to Himself.
  3. God promises to reveal Himself to the whole world, and He promises that the day is coming when that it will not be necessary anymore because everyone will know Him, from the least to the greatest.
  4. God promises to forgive our sins and remember them no more, in order to justify us to that we stand before God as though we had never sinned.
Download: Audio icon Matt Godsil.mp3
  • Length: 1:31:06