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Be a Breath of Fresh Air in Your Service!

Eric Byrom
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, June 11, 2023

Sermon Series:

This week, pastoral elder Eric Byrom comtinues our way through 2 Timothy.

Sermon Passage: 2 Timothy 1:15-18

Sermon Outline

  • Be a breath of fresh air in your service to the deserted!
  • Be a breath of fresh air in your service to the persecuted!
  • Be a breath of fresh air in your service by persevering!


Questions for discussion

  1. Share with the group a time you were refreshed by the persevering service of someone else in your life?  How did that encourage you to serve others in the same way?
  2. What might it look like in your context to serve those who are deserted?  What ideas is God giving you in this area?
  3. What might it look like to in your context to serve those who are persecuted?  What ideas is God giving you in this area?
  4. How can we grow more perseverant in our service to others?  What examples of this have you seen and what do you learn from them that could help you?
  5. What is God challenging you to remember, do or change in response to what you heard today?
Download: Audio icon Eric Byrom.mp3
  • Length: 1:26:49